Transportation to Nachi-Katsuura

Map for chartered bus of Kishu / Kumano-Ji (PDF)

For your reference to plan your trip, we made a map which you can check the time it takes from Osaka, Nagoya, or Wakayama prefecture to Katsuura Onsen by bus. Currently, large buses can pass the road from Okutoro, a Michinoeki (rest stop) of Kitayama-mura, to Miyai on the map.

Transportation in Nachi-Katsuura

At Nachi-Katsuura Cho Tourist Information Center, a wheelchair and a stroller are available for tourists for free use (only one unit per each is available).
When borrowing, deposits of 5,000 yen for a wheelchair and 1,000 yen for a stroller are required, but they will be returned when borrowed ones are returned.
You are welcome to use them. Since only one wheelchair / stroller is available, please contact the Tourist Information Center in advance (TEL. 0735-52-5311).

recommended route for enjoy your trip

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