Over 1,500 years old Gensen Kakenagashi hot springs
Gensen Kakenagashi refers to hot springs water that directly flow from the source into the bathtub without treatment or being reused again. With a long history as one of the oldest hot springs in Kishu area, Kiyomon Yu is popular and well loved by the locals and tourist alike. Both of the big public bath and the private family bath filled with Simple alkaline hot springs that will make the skin feels smooth and velvety. The over-flowing hot springs keep the cleanness of the bath tub, additionally the bath tub is cleaned daily to maintain the hygiene.

Open hours 12AM to 11.30PM
Price: 500yen for adult, 300yen for children under 12 years old, and free admission for children under 1 years old
Family private bath available with additional 1000yen for 50minutes
Open all years around
Official Website(Japanese Only)